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Each of our ingredients can be traced back to our trusted suppliers. Our experts not only check the ingredients when they arrive at our factories, but also evaluate the quality from their production source.

To become a Purina® supplier, you must meet our strict quality criteria, initial assessments can take anywhere from 6 to 12 months to complete, or even longer, depending on the number of facilities inspected.

How does Purina® find a new supplier?

We consider several criteria when evaluating a new vendor



With local laws and regulations.


Ethical and responsible employment, including safety, health and work enviroment standars.


Actions to promote responsible care for the enviroment.


An overarching ethos that aligns with Purina's values.


Much of the work we do is focused on sourcing quality rigredients and minimizing our environmental impact. However, we take our commitment a step further. Through varon public and phate partnerships, Purina and our partners are helping to enable water quality, soll protection and biodiversity projects with hundeds of farmers

The work is not only an investment to acquire quality ingredients in the future, but we also do it thinking about building a healthy environment for people. Our goal with these projects ts to positively impact the farmland where Purnna's ingredients are grown and also to help the entire ecosystem.

take a collaborative approach to sustainability and conservation, looking for projects and partnerships that improve farmland and have a huge positive impact on an entre region